Vitamin k1 k2

Vitamin K is actually a group of compounds. The most important of these compounds appears to be vitamin K1 and vitamin K2. Vitamin K1 is obtained from leafy greens and some other vegetables. Vitamin K2 is a group of compounds largely obtained from meats, cheeses, and eggs, and synthesized by bacteria.Jul 22, 2020

Can I take vitamin K1 and K2 together?

Recently, it has been suggested that K1 and K2 be split into separate RDIs to ensure adequate intake of both. This might be important because vitamin K2 is distributed throughout the body, whereas vitamin K1 is absorbed by the liver.

What is the difference between vitamin K and K2?

The main difference between vitamin K and vitamin K2 is that vitamin K is a fat-soluble group and in biochemistry known as naphthoquinones. On the other hand, vitamin K2 is one of the fat-soluble vitamins and in biochemistry known as menaquinone.

What vitamin is K2 good for?

As mentioned above, vitamin K2 plays a central role in the metabolism of calcium — the main mineral found in your bones and teeth. Vitamin K2 activates the calcium-binding actions of two proteins — matrix GLA protein and osteocalcin, which help to build and maintain bones ( 14 , 15 ).

What is vitamin K1 good for?

Vitamin K helps to make various proteins that are needed for blood clotting and the building of bones. Prothrombin is a vitamin K-dependent protein directly involved with blood clotting. Osteocalcin is another protein that requires vitamin K to produce healthy bone tissue.

Which is better K1 or K2?

Vitamin K2 may be absorbed better by the body and some forms may stay in the blood longer than vitamin K1. These two things may cause K1 and K2 to have different effects on your health. Vitamin K likely plays an important role in blood clotting and promoting good heart and bone health.

Should vitamin D be taken with vitamin K2?

We ALWAYS recommend taking vitamin D with vitamin K2 if you are supplementing. Vitamin D is a fat soluble vitamin Vitamin D increases calcium levels in the body. … In fact, the K2 and D protected against cardiovascular calcification, while the D group alone did not.

What does vitamin K1 and K2 do?

Both vitamins K1 and K2 ensure healthy blood clotting, preventing excessive bleeding and bruising when blood vessels get injured. But recent research suggests that they play different roles in other aspects of our health, with vitamin K2 adding health benefits independent of K1.