Jorge luis borges

What is Jorge Luis Borges most famous work?

Jorge Luis Borges most famous works include Universal History of Infamy (1935), Ficciones (1944), The Aleph (1949), and The Book of Sand (1975). All of them deal with fictional places and toy with the idea of infinity and mythical creatures that immerse the reader in magical worlds.

Why is Borges so good?

Borges' use of labyrinths, mirrors, chess games and detective stories creates a complex intellectual landscape, yet his language is clear, with ironic undertones. He presents the most fantastic of scenes in simple terms, seducing us into the forking pathway of his seemingly infinite imagination.

What poem did Jorge Luis Borges?

Jorge Luis Borges
Notable worksA Universal History of Infamy (1935) Ficciones (1944) El Aleph (1949) Labyrinths (1962) The Book of Sand (1975)
Notable awardsCommandeur de l'Ordre des Arts et des Lettres (1962)

Why didn’t Jorge Luis Borges win the Nobel Prize?

However, in a document published on the website of the Swedish Academy, it is explained that the reason why Borges was not chosen as Nobel Prize for Literature is because he was "too exclusive or artificial in his ingenious miniature art".

How did Borges go blind?

From early childhood, Borges suffered from terrible myopia and by age 29 developed cataracts. Treatment was unknown, as it would be another 40 years before Dr. Benjamin's birth, and it appeared to be a family curse; his father, grandfather, and great-grandfather all died blind.

Where is Isabel Allende from?

Lima, PeruIsabel Allende / Place of birth Allende was born in Lima, Peru, to Francisca Llona and Tomás Allende, the Chilean ambassador to Peru, and a cousin of Salvador Allende, the former Chilean president.

How do you pronounce Jorge Borges?

0:070:38How to pronounce Jorge Luis Borges (Spanish/Argentina)YouTube