Compound umbel inflorescence

description. In angiosperm: Inflorescences. In a compound umbel, all the umbel inflorescences arise from a common point and appear to be at about the same level (e.g., wild carrot). This organization is the same for compound spikes, catkins, corymbs, and heads.

What is compound umbel?

Compound umbels are typical of the Apiaceae and some species of Araliaceae and Smilacaceae. A compound umbel consists of a primary umbel that give rise to a secondary umbel.

What is compound inflorescence?

Compound Inflorescence: In this type of inflorescence the main axis (peduncle) branches repeatedly once or twice in racemose or cymose manner. In the former case it becomes a compound raceme and in the latter case it becomes a compound cymose inflorescence.

What is compound spadix inflorescence?

Spadix inflorescence is found in colocasia, aroids, maize and palms (palms have compound spadix). Monoecious aroids have unisexual male and female flowers on the same individual and the spadix is usually organized with female flowers towards the bottom and male flowers towards the top.

Is umbel inflorescence an example?

Umbel inflorescence is characteristic of the Apiaceae (Umbelliferae) family. Examples: Simple umbel: Centella asiatica (Brahmi), Allium cepa (onion), Fatsia japonica (paper plant), Primula veris (cowslip), etc.

Which one of the following has compound umbel inflorescence?

Umbels are a characteristic of plants such as carrot, parsley, dill, and fennel in the family Apiaceae; ivy, Aralia and Fatsia in the family Araliaceae; onion (Allium) in the family Alliaceae.

What is umbel in onion?

In onions (Allium cepa, Liliaceae) it's grown on scapes, long, leafless flowering stems rising directly from the plant bulb. … Inflorescence in garden onions takes on a spherical umbel arrangement. Below, inflorescences frame the setting full Moon.

What is the difference between umbel and corymb?

A racemose corymb is an unbranched, indeterminate inflorescence that is flat-topped or convex due to their outer pedicels which are progressively longer than inner ones. An umbel is a type of raceme with a short axis and multiple floral pedicels of equal length that appear to arise from a common point.